Major deal in my career...
“For over 5 years Rossi has represented me in every major deal in my career as an artist, actor, brand ambassador and entrepreneur. He has been and will continue to be a critical part of Team Nicky Jam.”
Nicky Jam
My attorney and trusted confidant for the past several years...
“Oswaldo Rossi has been my attorney and trusted confidant for the past several years, overseeing all aspects of La Industria’s legal and business affairs. He’s a deal maker that inspires confidence in his work which gives me peace of mind.”
Juan Diego Medina, Founder of La Industria Inc.
Having Oswaldo Rossi on my team has given me peace of mind...
“Having Oswaldo Rossi on my team has given me peace of mind. I’m blessed to have the best in the industry represent me and all my businesses. He has been and will continue to be an asset on my team for which I am extremely thankful.”
Yris Palmer